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Prep your Home for this Winter 2020

Winter weather brings cold temperatures and wet conditions to Vancouver and it can be the hardest season in our homes.

Xcelcor Home Prep for Winter
Winter Prep, Vancouver 2020

Here are the top 5 things that our experts at Xcelcor Services recommend you can do to make sure your home is ready for the onslaught.

Clean your roof of moss and debris.

Moss acts like a sponge holding water on the roof. That water will freeze and thaw throughout the winter season. That process of water freezing and thawing can deform shingles. In the worse case scenarios, debris on your roof can contribute to ice damming, a problem that can wreck your roof and cause thousands of dollars in damage.

Clear gutters and downpipes.

If the roof is clean, your attention can be turned to the drainage system: your rain gutters. Clogged or overflowing gutters are the biggest contributor to rot and the breakdown of fascia boards and siding. The constant dripping and improper flow of water from the roof cause damage to painted surfaces, wood, stucco, and all types of siding. The flooding of gutters often leads to leaking in the basement or main floor of the home as water will pool/accumulate in a volume that your home is not prepared to deal with. Many expensive insurance claims come down to whether or not the homeowner performed basic maintenance like gutter cleaning.

Cleaning the driveway and pathways of algae, fungus, and moss growth.

Pressure washing these surfaces is an important defense against slips and falls. According to Work Safe BC- falling is the number one reason for injuries at home. Stairs, pathways, decks, patios, and driveways are all areas that need yearly cleaning. Of course, salting and snow clearance are also vitally important AFTER it has been cleaned.

Sprinkler lines cleared and water turned off.

When the temperature drops below zero water can freeze and crack outside pipes. This can be very costly for sprinkler systems. In the worst-case scenarios, pipes on the outside of a home that is not properly insulated can burst or spring leaks. Water to outside taps that will not be used in the winter can be turned off.

Windows Cleaned.

You may not associate clean windows with winterization but it does help in one critical way. Cleaning the windows inside and out, and having the tracks cleaned, will stop mold from growing. Who doesn’t love beautiful sparkling windows? This will also help Saint Nick see out your windows and keep an eye on his reindeer while he’s emptying his sack.


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